Replacement Of My Double Glazing - UPVC Windows & Doors

Replacement Double Glazing 

Are you thinking of replacing your old windows? Don't know where to start?  

The quickest and easiest way to get honest advice, the best value, quality windows & doors is to contact us using the button below.


There has never been a better time to invest in replacement double glazing. 

With the steep cost of rising energy prices in 2021 & 2022 comes a steep saving in heating costs when replacing your old draughty windows & doors with new energy efficient windows & doors.

In late 2022 the cost of heating has gone up 300% (in some cases), therefore the heat loss cost goes up the same amount. 

Clyde Windows & Construction, are approved & monitored by trading standards, which means you can rest assured we will always give you free honest advice, and our best price first time.


Frequently asked questions when getting replacement double glazing


Is double glazing all the same?

No, not all double glazing is equal. Its really important to do your homework or find a reputable trusted trader to guide you in terms of product choice.

Clyde Windows are Trading Standards approved, so you can rest assured we will give you honest advice. 


Can Replacement Double Glazing prevent internal condensation in the winter months, 

Yes, If your windows were installed before 2010, there is a good chance it will not have advanced thermal properties of modern double glazing, when getting a new double glazing quote make sure the company you are dealing with provide LowE Glass and an argon filled cavity. Clyde Windows & Construction fit Low E and argon filled units with warm edge spacer bars as standard on every installation.

Although its important to note replacement double glazing will help prevent but can not Guarantee it will eliminate condensation. 


Will Replacement Double Glazing reduce outdoor traffic and unwanted noise.

Yes, newer technology in glass over the recent years will help reduce unwanted noise such as road traffic, you can also ask us about additional options we can offer to further reduce sound or go all out and install acoustic glazing. 


Is it true Replacement Double Glazing can help protect your furniture and possessions being bleached by the sun.

Yes, the LowE coatings we use, block the harmful rays of the sun yet still allow the rays of the sun which generate heat (FREE solar gain), you can read more on this on the manufacturer of the double glazed units web page here. 


Will Replacement Double Glazing increase the value of my house?

Yes and no, style of double glazing is a personal choice, however if you are improving the thermal efficiency of your home then this is a great selling point.