Double Glazing
UPVC Windows Double Glazing Quotes & Estimates
Allowing Clyde to quote for Double Glazing your home will make you feel safe in the knowledge that your UPVC window quote is from a safe reputable Double Glazing firm who are recognised as WHICH? TRUSTED TRADERS in Scotland and also Trading Standards Approved in a number of councils across Scotland as these organisations carry out many background checks on all aspects of the Double Glazing firm who may be supplying a quote for you windows and doors ensuring that you will receive an honest quote without being ripped off and also that your new windows and doors are of high quality products as well as installation works.
In the UK today UPVC windows are by far the most popular choice for property owners. Not only is UPVC (Un-Plasticized Poly Vinyl Chloride) the cheapest option of all double glazing materials they are up to three times cheaper than traditional wooden frames, but it is also the most energy efficient type of frame currently available. Available in a variety of colours and finishes, although white is the most popular, UPVC or PVC-U is also recyclable and incredibly durable. Window suppliers offer very competitive prices for replacement windows of this type. Being the leading choice in the UK makes double glazed UPVC a competitive market place, which is great news for homeowners.
Clyde UPVC Windows & Double Glazing
Requires little maintenance other than a wipe with a soft cloth and at most a little washing up liquid. These windows are excellent insulators, are resistant to UV light and can easily accommodate the latest in locking and security mechanisms.
That's why most people choose Clyde Windows for Double Glazing & UPVC Windows
Double Glazing Installation Quote with Clyde Windows
We will supply you with a free estimate for a Double glazing installation, done well, this involves the careful removal of old windows and frames and the making good of the brick opening before the new sills and double glazed units are carefully placed into position.
Our fitters will always tidy up after themselves and take the time to let you inspect each installation, making sure you are aware of all of the security features and are comfortable with the locking mechanisms, safety features and finish – before they leave.
When people are happy with a double glazing company, they will give written or verbal recommendations. Bear this in mind when choosing a supplier; ask to speak to local satisfied customers and confirm that their standards are as you’d expect.